[People’s Court Daily] SIPC Helps Businesses with Brand Building through Trial Sessions

April 18, 2019, People’s Court Daily, 4th Edition

PCD (Reporter Yan Jianyi, Correspondent Chen Yingying) On the morning of April 16, a trial session was held in Shanghai Intellectual Property Court (SIPC). Representatives of nearly 40 member companies organized by Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce went to SIPC to hear a trial on trademark infringement and unfair competition concerning the well-known brand “BOBDOG,” and talked with the judges after the hearing.

At present, Shanghai is making every effort to launch the “Four Brands”: “Shanghai Service”“Made in Shanghai”“Shanghai Shopping” and “Shanghai Culture.”“This is the first time I’ve walked into a courthouse to attend a hearing and listen to a lecture on laws. And what the judge said was just so pertinent to our business development. It is very helpful to our business.” said a business representative.

It is reported that since its inception, SIPC has carried out a series of trial sessions, organized more than 40 public day activities, live-streamed more than 300 trials, and compiled several books of cases and distributed them to enterprises and the public. It has been working hard to improve legal protection of intellectual property rights, and actively responded to the judicial demand of market participants for intellectual property rights protection.

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