Casio Presented Banner and Letter of Appreciation to Shanghai Intellectual Property Court to Thank the Court for Protecting Casio’s Watch Design Patent According to Law


Recently, Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Casio”) presented a banner and a letter of appreciation to the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court (hereinafter referred to as the “Court”) to thank the Court for the fair trial of three cases concerning disputes over the infringement of the design patent of Casio’s watch series and for lawful protection of legitimate rights of Casio as a patentee, praising the Court for “setting examples of strict protection and making accurate and fair judgments”.

In January 2021, the Court made a first-instance judgment on three cases of plaintiff Casio v. defendant Shanghai Xuanfeng Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xuanfeng”)  concerning disputes over design patent infringement and awarded economic losses and reasonable expenses of 800,000 yuan, 1million yuan and 7million yuan respectively, totaling 8.8 million yuan. Dissatisfied with the result, Xuanfeng et al. appealed to the Shanghai High People’s Court. In the second instance, Xuanfeng et al. withdrew their appeal for having settled with Casio, and the Shanghai High People’s Court ruled to allow the withdrawal.

In the letter of appreciation, Casio recognized the legal qualities, work style and case handling attitude of Shang Jiangang, the first-instance presiding judge, and Qian Qiong, the assistant judge, and appraised that the Court in the trial of the three cases “overcame difficulties brought by the COVID-19, improved the quality and efficiency of case handling by applying information technologies such as online trial, awarded damages determined by elaborate calculation standards and detailed factors with the support of facts and laws, and fully demonstrated the market value of intellectual property; the Court, under the guidance of facts, accurately applied the rules of evidence in accordance with the law and obtained in time the sales data of the accused infringing products from the platform at the request of the right holder, fully protecting the parties’ litigation rights.” It believed that the judgment results “show Shanghai courts’ determination to optimize business environment, equally protect the intellectual property rights of overseas right holders and build international intellectual property protection high ground.”




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